Thursday, September 15, 2011

True Stories

I have to highlight True Stories as one of those movies that inspires me. As it finishes washing over me I feel I could create music, fiction, and gorgeous sets. True Stories seems so densely packed I rediscover a scene every time and it becomes new to me.

My favorite scene takes place when Louis Fyne visits Pop Staples's character for the first time. Pop has a soothing voice even when speaking, and I can imagine trusting him with the voodoo of my love life. The best scene with a song in it is the fashion show. I love the way in which it and the lip sync scene has actors that look like regular people.

Which part do you like best? Do you think you would like the company of a person like David Byrne's character, who just walks through the movie observing and rarely verbally expressing an opinion?

I hereby resolve to live in the feeling I experience whenever I watch the movie.

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