Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend crap

MST3K The Movie - Sorry to hear the guys hated making this one. It would be nice to have a movie every few years from them.

Black Samurai
- Possibly the best blaxploitation kung fu movie there is. There were boring parts, but the fight scenes were totally worth the wait and Jim Kelly drove a purple sportscar. Also, he flew in a jetpack!

Rest in Pieces - I liked this one a lot, which is awesome since I went to a lot of trouble to track it down. You can read a detailed review here:

Hauntedween - I could say the same thing for this one, and you can read the review of it here:

Paganini Horror - I will watch any Italian horror movie. I actually enjoyed this one, especially the ending, even though it was really dumb.

The Jitters - I'll probably review it just to prove to my readers that I don't actually like every movie I watch. It was pretty awful, and an insult to the hopping vampire subgenre.

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