Fraternity Vacation - You can look at Tim Robbins and think, "that guy's going far." Not really. It's a much better movie than Joysticks, though.
Carnival of Souls - Before I started watching horror movies every day and posting in my horror blog, this was my favorite horror film. That's not to take anything away from Carnival, it's just that I've seen so many now that I can't pick a favorite. It's definitely my favorite 60s horror that's not 2000 Maniacs or The Whip and the Body.
Watched it in color, with the Mike Nelson commentary. Herk Harvey is scary when the movie is in color; he really looks other worldly and you can see how the makeup influenced so many other films. The ghouls contrast so much more creepily when they are the only ones in black and white (well, greenish white anyway). Not my favorite Mike commentary, but still good as at this point he's like an old friend.
The Social Network - Finally got around to watching this one; took me a couple of days as I started it Wednesday and finished it today (Monday). At first I felt sorry for Mark Zuckerberg (I have a soft spot for aspies, being the mother of one) and then I didn't when I saw how vengeful he was. Aspies can be taught to be responsible for their actions and to consider other people's feelings.
On the other hand, it was refreshing to watch someone screw someone over in business for personal reasons rather than greed. I can empathize with hurt feelings, but not with the mindset that there is no amount of money that is enough. The "nothing personal, just business" way of thinking puts flames on the sides of my face. What kind of world do we live in where a guy can rob one bank and get life in jail, but a bank exec can rob thousands of people and get a tax break? If Jesus is coming, he'd better come on.

Back to the movie, the best part was that I discovered that "California Love" was a cover of a kickass song called "West Coast Poplock" which played during the ziplining off the roof scene and which I can't stop listening to. Even my cat loves that song. He goes and lies down right in front of the speaker and grooves on the bass.
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