Crazy, Stupid Love is the rare popcorn multiplex movie that I was able to watch in the theater without picking it apart the whole time. At the same time, I was not able to figure out every plot twist before it happened. It's just a very well-crafted story.
It's nice to see a comedy made of events that could actually happen to some people. They likely won't all happen to one interconnected group of people, but they possibly could. I guess that's a backhanded way of saying I'm sick of farces.
I don't want to say a whole lot because it's so new, but I will say this: Kevin Bacon once said in an interview that his career was never going to be such that people would say to themselves, "hey, let's go see the new Kevin Bacon movie." Well, I thought he was wrong them, and he is still wrong, because recently I have seen the new X-Men movie and Crazy, Stupid Love mostly because he is in them.
Also, as a longtime fan of The Daily Show (when Craig Kilborn was on and they did "news" reports about regular weirdos instead of talking about politics) I am very happy that Steve Carell is a movie star now. In fact, I am happy that all the people in this movie are movie stars because they all look like regular people, which is something we don't get enough of anymore. Even the female leads looked like people you might actually encounter on Earth and not as if they were grown in a lab.
This is not a spoiler, but there is a great bit about Dirty Dancing in the movie, which made me so happy.
Finally, did you know that Josh Groban is secretly a Jonas brother? It would appear so.
Great review. I thought Kevin Back was so awesome in X-Men. Unlike his other 80s costars, Kevin still looks fantastic.
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Thanks! It's good to make new blogging friends.
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